Friday, 5 February 2016

Is your mare eating for two?

Pregnant and lactating mares require a little bit more love and attention during the last few months – similar to that of a human being. Foals in utero require plenty of nutrients due to their high levels of energy, protein and mineral needs. However, the bigger the foal grows, the less space is left for the mare to digest important nutrients – naturally. Which is why her appetite may lessen dramatically during the last couple of months of pregnancy. During the first 8 months of pregnancy, your mare’s nutritional needs will be similar to the diet she consumed before conceiving. It’s during the last trimester where things become more demanding, causing her to need a little extra help in order to bring a healthy foal into the world.

By adding a natural source of probiotics such as Pro-sacc, pregnant and lactating mares can increase the quality and quantity of their milk for the foal – which in return gives the foal a better chance of developing a healthy immune system and strong, developing bones.

·        Add a complete mineral supplement:
Adding copper to the mare’s diet during the last few months of pregnancy is extremely important. Studies proved that foals were not as sound when the mares weren’t given added copper supplements compared to those who did receive the extra care and attention.

·        Consider adding a range of important vitamins:
By adding vitamin E to the mare’s diet 30 days prior to birth, the transfer of antibodies from the mother to the foal increases – giving the foal a better chance at a healthy, disease-free life. Vitamin C is also important for strengthening the developing foal’s immune system and bone growth.

·        Feed a high quality grass or alfalfa:
Giving natural feeding options such as high quality grass or alfalfa is definitely a must, however, it will most likely not cover her nutritional needs during the last trimester – which is why adding added vitamins and minerals to her diet will not only provide the necessary nutrition for the foal, but it’ll eliminate future health problems related to malnutrition during pregnancy for the mare.

Especially during the devastating drought we’ve had recently, it’s even more important to add extra vitamins, minerals and a quality probiotic to ensure the safety of your mare and unborn foal. By feeding the foal before it’s even born, you can increase the chances of delivering a healthy horse – as well as ensure that the mare can properly take care of the newborn baby once it’s safely brought into the world.

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